HELLENIC PETROLEUM: Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2020 (16th edition)

HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group publishes the 2020 Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Report, presenting its business performance in matters of the environment, society, and corporate governance (ESG) for the period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020.

The approach of the edition is aligned with the Group’s mission and values and reflects the responsible way in which the safe and zero accidents economically viable operation, with respect for the environment and society is succeeded. In order to present in a transparent manner the position and the long-term strategy of the Group for a gradual transition to a "green" economy, the Report presents in detail the "Vision 2025", the commitments and the quantitative performance indicators of the Group based on the ESG pillars - Environment, Society and Corporate Governance.

For the purpose of compiling the Report, the GRI Standards and the “Oil & Gas Sector Supplement” of the Global Reporting Initiative (Comprehensive Level) were applied, as well as the 24 criteria of the Communication on Progress Report - CoP (Advanced Level) in the context of the Group's compliance with the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Also, the Reports data are based on the 20 criteria of the Greek Sustainability Code (Level A), which has been developed in the framework of the “Sustainable Greece 2020” Initiative and the ATHEX “Guide for reporting non-financial information” (Advanced metrics & Sector-specific metrics) has been utilized, seeking to achieve more effective communication with investors through high-quality, comparable data.

To ensure accuracy, completeness, and reliability, an independent, external body has audited, verified, and certified the Report “in accordance with / Comprehensive” level, as per the requirements of the GRI Standards, and the fulfilment of the indicators of the Oil & Gas Sector Supplement. In addition, it has been ensured that this Report satisfies the requirements of the UNGC’s CoP Report (Advanced Level).

Since 2005, HELLENIC PETROLEUM Group has been publishing an annual Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Report, with the aim of better informing and communicating with its stakeholders.

The Report is also presented in digital form, on the specially designed website https://sustainabilityreport2020.helpe.gr/en/, aiming at the ease of navigation of the user and the immediate access to its content.