mum dancing with her son in a filed

Responsible Employer and Corporate Citizen

Our sustainable and entrepreneurial development is based on the meaningful contribution of our people and partnership with society. We apply responsible labour practices, provide a working environment that promotes equal opportunities and focuses on the continuous training and development of our people, while ensuring health and safety in all workplaces. Aware of our role as a responsible and active corporate citizen, we implement corporate responsibility actions and stand by the wider society, while contributing to raise awareness on issues such as environmental protection, culture and sports, support for vulnerable groups and education, with a particular focus on the new generation.

beneficiaries by corporate responsibilities action

in Greece and abroad

direct jobs

man-hours of training,

including those for Health and Safety issues

* The figures refer to year 2022

Our approach to Society

We generate significant added value for the economy and society, taking into account the expectations and wishes of our stakeholders.
young people walking
We implement Sustainable Supply Chain Management for the achievement of our business objectives.
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
We actively support society through initiatives that improve everyday life and contribute to social progress and well-being.
mum with child cleaning a beach

Corporate Citizen of Choice

Our People

We seek to create a dynamic working environment, characterized by meritocracy, excellence, integrity, stability, consistency, innovation, continuous learning and adaptability. 

Our People
Our people
Health & Safety

Ensuring the Health and Safety of our employees and associates is our highest priority and a core business value concerning all our activities.

Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Corporate Responsibility

We implement initiatives that serve essential needs and are distinguished by responsibility, self-commitment and empathy towards the whole of society, both locally and nationally. With the aim of promoting social well-being and responding immediately to emergencies, we designed and implemented a comprehensive and multifaceted Corporate Responsibility program. 

Corporate Responsibility
mum holding clild
Contact us for Sustainable Development matters