Relocation of the Company’s registered address and the amendment to article 2(1) of its Articles of Association

The Société Anonyme trading as “HELLENIC PETROLEUM SA”, with Registration Number 094049864, informs its investors, customers and associates, as approved by decision of the Shareholders Annual Ordinary General Meeting of June, 6th 2010, for the relocation of the Company’s registered address and the amendment to article 2(1) of its Articles of Association, and the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping approved said change by means of decision K2-6685/7.7.2010 and registered it in the Registry of Société Anonymes.

The Company’s new registered address has changed to: 8A Chimarras str., GR-151 25, Maroussi (Tel.: +30 210 6302000, Fax: +30 210 6302510 & +30 210 6302511,,